Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Select Outdoor

Spring and Summer 2025

The Nitros Select Program is offered to players ages 9 to 12 looking to continue developing their soccer skills and techniques in a more structured environment. This program looks to provide an opportunity to bridge the gap between NT’s Recreational House League and Nitros Development Programs by offering 2 weekday practice sessions, occasional exhibition games and weekend festivals.

Our curriculum will follow a Game-Activity-Game (GAG) or a Station Model format depending on the age and group.

Registration is by invite only, for inquiries please contact Select Coordinator Yunes Shababi

Commitment Level

This program is designed for players with varying commitment levels and there are no consequences for absences due to vacations and other commitments. There will be no fee adjustments for any missed time and there will be no practices or festivals scheduled on long weekends or holidays.

We ask that players are able to commit to 4 out of 5 festivals so we can enter the correct number of teams for each festival.

Practice Schedule (to be confirmed)

From April 5 to May 2 (every Saturday and every other weeknight

SaturdaysApril 5, 12, 19, 269:00 – 10:30amCentral Tech School
TuesdaysApril 8 & 226-7pm or 7-8pm*Soccerplex Dome

SaturdaysApril 5, 12, 19, 269-10:30amCentral Tech School
TuesdaysApril 15 & 296-7pm or 7-8pm* Soccerplex Dome

SaturdaysApril 5, 12, 19, 2610:30-11amCentral Tech School
FridaysApril 11 & 256-7pm or 7-8pm*Soccerplex Building

SaturdaysApril 5, 12, 19, 26 10:30-11amCentral Tech School
Fridays April 18 & May 27-8pm or 8-9pm*Soccerplex Building

  • team/age group will be split up, one group at each timeslot.


From May 5 to Mid-September (twice weekly)

U9 Boys (2016)

Mondays6:00 – 7:15pmEglinton Park
Wednesdays6:00 – 7:15pmEglinton Park

U10 Boys (2015)

Mondays6:00 – 7:15pmEglinton Park
Wednesdays6:00 – 7:15pmEglinton Park

U11 Boys (2014)

Mondays7:15 – 8:30pmEglinton Park
Wednesdays7:15 – 8:30pmEglinton Park

U12 Boys (2013)

Mondays7:15 – 8:30pmEglinton Park
Wednesdays7:15 – 8:30pmEglinton Park

Blackout week: there will be no practice sessions during the week of August 5 to August 9, 2024.

The final and most updated schedule will be available on TeamSnap.

Festival Schedule (to be confirmed, below are festivals we are likely joining)
Frank SobilU9/U10May 3, 2025Oshawa
U11/U12May 4, 2025Oshawa
Heads UpU9/U10
May 25, 2025Hillsburg
Heritage Days FestivalU9/U10
June 8, 2025Ancaster
Peterborough City FestivalU9 & U11June 21, 2025Peterborough
U10 & U12June 22, 2025Peterborough
Richmond Hill Challenge CupU9/U10
Sept 13, 2025Richmond Hill

How to join

Currently, priority is given to current indoor Select players and then previous Select players.

If there’s still room on the teams, interested new players will be able to try the program by attending a training session and have their skill level assessed. A member of our staff will determine suitability. The suitability of new players based on various factors, with skill level being one of the primary considerations. However, it’s important to note that coaches may also evaluate other attributes such as attitude, teamwork, physical fitness, tactical understanding, and potential for improvement when selecting new players for a select team. Ultimately, the goal is to create a well-rounded team that can perform effectively on the field.

We will not be holding tryouts or Open Development Sessions. Interested players are encourage to contact the coordinator: Yunes at [email protected].

Team Formation (to be confirmed for 2025)

U9 Teams (players born in 2016)
– 7v7 team: maximum squad per festival 12

U10 Teams (players born in 2015)
– 7v7 team: maximum squad per festival 12

U11 Teams (players born in 2014)
– 7v7 team: maximum squad per festival 12

U12 Teams (players born in 2013)
– 9v9 team: maximum squad per festival 16

Call Up Opportunities

There could be the opportunity to call up to a Nitros Development team for one of their games. If a Nitros Development team is short players, they can look to Select players to help fill out the roster and give a chance for them to play in a league game.

Fees & Registration

The fee is $1460 and includes a ball and full kit. Click on arrow below for details. Registration is by invite only.

Select Player Fee Includes

Festival Fees
Training Fields2 weekly training sessions
Coaching Staff2 weekly training sessions and festivals
Registration CostIncludes Toronto Soccer, Ontario Soccer and Canada Soccer fees
Adidas Training KitKit includes a practice jersey, 2 x game jerseys, shorts, and socks.
NTSC Player Subsidy FundAssisting committed players from families with limited financial resources
Cancellation, Refund, Credit Policy

There are no refunds or make-up sessions for weather-related cancellations. We may make changes to the program or activities in an effort to keep sessions on. Field locations may change due to field permit exclusion dates. 

Refunds and/or credits are only issued in limited circumstances:

  • If the team does not continue to operate and no suitable alternative is found within the club for the player.
  • If the player suffers a major injury which prevents the player from participating in 50% or more of the season’s activities.
    • Must be reported in writing within 7 days of the injury being diagnosed.
    • Must be supported by medical records as requested.
    • A pro-rated refund will be calculated.
    • The injury must occur during Nitros activities.
    • Refund requests must be in writing and addressed to [email protected].
    • Fees will not be pro-rated or adjusted for players who miss part of the season.

Monday–Friday: 10 am - 6 pm

North Toronto Soccer Club
1041 Avenue Rd. Suite 5
Toronto, Ontario
M5N 2C5